Day 6
Friday 31 August 2012
Day 6 Birdsville
It was a slow
get up on a chilly 10°C, and the first sleep in of the trip, and a very leisurely
morning, although the camp started sounding awake by 7am.
And it did not get warm today, only 21°C max, with quite strong gusts of wind.
We found the facillities stretched to the limit and an hours wait
to go to the toilet or to have a shower was the norm. And thinking getting up really early like 5am would help,
well think again, the wait was even longer !
The morning was relaxed, just catching up with things, one being
Brad took the time to remove his rear wheel with the broken spokes (about a dozen) and went to the garage and
welded them together with short bits of welding rods. Let's hope the wheel survives the journeyt home.
Having a look around the camp we
saw large tourist buses, and a fantastic charity caravan towed by
a super-charged Chamberlain tractor, all the way from Shepparton,
VIC. Now that's how to do it - but a full time mission.
It was then off to check out the town. It had a carnival atmosphere,
with dozens of stalls of all discriptions. Just imagining what would
have been left when the races are not on, and the town would be left
with the pub and the garage, a few houses and not much else !
The town certainly deserves all they can get during this event with
the races.
lunch we all went to the races by bus.
It certainly is an iconic event, none like it. The crowds, the dust
in a desert environment, the entertainment, and the best airshow put
on by the Roulettes, the airforce aerobatic team.
And in the evening we met the pilots at the pub for a chat.